Vizard related material
Course subject(s)
Health exercise avatar
This is a custom avatar made for this course. It contains 10 animations which has to do with fitness and exercises (such as jogging, walking, stretching, etc.).
If a group needs a particular move which isn’t included in this avatar (or a specific part of an existing animation) please e-mail me.
Small tutorial for custom avatars
Small explanation on how to edit 3ds max models for use in vizard. Also various links to free resources.
Please read if you’re interested in:
- adding .bip/bvh animations
- exporting skeleton, mesh and materials
- putting it all together for use in Vizard
Intelligent User Experience Engineering by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at User Experience Engineering/.