10 Tunnel Vision
Subject(s) Module 10 Tunnel Vision
IUxE lectures 2008
Subject(s) IUXE 2008
Module 1: Introduction to the course, PACT and Situated Cognitive Engineering
Subject(s) Module 1: Introduction to the course, PACT and Situated Cognitive Engineering
Module 12: Emotion and avatars, Affective ePartners
Subject(s) Module 12: Emotion and avatars, Affective ePartners
Module 13: Situated Cognitive Enginee
Subject(s) Module 13: Situated Cognitive Engineering
Module 2: Scenario-based design, Task analysis, Adaptive automation
Subject(s) Module 2: Scenario-based design, Task analysis, Adaptive automation
Module 4:Guest lecture Mark Grootjen – Cognitive Task Load
Subject(s) Module 4: Guest lecture Mark Grootjen – Cognitive Task Load
Module 6: Evaluation and example SuperAssist
Subject(s) Module 6: Evaluation and example SuperAssist
Module 8: Guest lecture Nanja Smets – Evaluation in Virtual Environments
Subject(s) Module 8: Guest lecture Nanja Smets – Evaluation in Virtual Environments
Module 9: Guest lecture Jan-Willem Streefkerk – Evaluation of User Experience
Subject(s) Module 9: Guest lecture Jan-Willem Streefkerk – Evaluation of User Experience

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