Buckling of composite plates
Subject(s) 5. Buckling of composite plates
Classical Laminate Theory (CLT)
Subject(s) 2. Classical Laminate Theory (CLT)
Composite of stiffeners
Subject(s) 7. Composite of stiffeners
Composite sandwich structures
Subject(s) 11. Composite sandwich structures
Crippling of stiffeners
Subject(s) 8. Crippling of stiffeners
Design considerations with composites
Subject(s) 3. Design considerations with composites
Energy methods for composite plates
Subject(s) 4. Energy methods for composite plates
Fittings and pressurized structures
Subject(s) 14. Fittings and pressurized structures
Introduction of Advanced Design and Optimization of Composite Structures I
Subject(s) 1. Introduction
Panel breaker condition
Subject(s) 10. Panel breaker condition

Advanced Design and Optimization of Composite Structures I by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/advanced-design-optimization-composite-structures/.