2.2.6 Ending
Subject(s) 2. The momentum balance
2.3.1 Introduction: Pressure drop in pipeline systems
Subject(s) 2. The momentum balance
2.3.6 Ending
Subject(s) 2. The momentum balance
3.1.2 Overview Convection: mass and heat transport
Subject(s) 3. Convection: mass and heat transport
3.1.3 Heat transfer – convection Introduction
Subject(s) 3. Convection: mass and heat transport
3.1.8 Ending
Subject(s) 3. Convection: mass and heat transport
3.2.1 Introduction Analogy between mass transport and heat transport
Subject(s) 3. Convection: mass and heat transport
3.2.7 Ending
Subject(s) 3. Convection: mass and heat transport
4.1.2 Mass transfer overview
Subject(s) 4. Mass transfer
4.1.3 The partition coefficient
Subject(s) 4. Mass transfer
Advanced Transport Phenomena by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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