4.2.1 Course Interaction Dimension
Subject(s) 4. Prepare and teach your course
4.3.1 Connecting and Engaging Students Webinar
Subject(s) 4. Prepare and teach your course
4.4.1 Rubrics
Subject(s) 4. Prepare and teach your course
4.4.2 Create an engaging activity
Subject(s) 4. Prepare and teach your course
5.5.3 Creating Video from Home
Subject(s) 5. Build your blended course
6.4.1 Create your communication plan
Subject(s) 6. Teach your blended course
Blending your Education by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://digitelpro.eadtu.eu/course-programmes/blended-education/