4.3.1 Design for remanufacturing pays off
Subject(s) Module 4. Remanufacturing
4.3.2 industry perspective: Meritor
Subject(s) Module 4. Remanufacturing
4.3.3 Industry perspective: actronics
Subject(s) Module 4. Remanufacturing
4.4.1 Barriers to remanufacturing
Subject(s) Module 4. Remanufacturing
4.4.2 The major research questions
Subject(s) Module 4. Remanufacturing
4.8.1 In-depth introduction
Subject(s) Module 4. Remanufacturing
4.8.2 Growth within
Subject(s) Module 4. Remanufacturing
4.8.3 Growth within
Subject(s) Module 4. Remanufacturing
5.1.1 Recycling refrigerators
Subject(s) Module 5. Waste = Food
5.1.3 Red threat
Subject(s) Module 5. Waste = Food
Circular Economy by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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