1.1.1 Introduction of GDSE
Subject(s) Module 1. Globally Distributed software Engineering
1.2.1 Introduction
Subject(s) Module 1. Globally Distributed software Engineering
2.2.1 Introduction to Lean, Agile and Scrum
Subject(s) Module 2. Distributed Agile
2.3.1 Introduction to Distributed Scrum
Subject(s) Module 2. Distributed Agile
3.2.1 Introduction: Automation in GDSE
Subject(s) Module 3. The Software Engineer and GSE
3.3.1 Introduction: A Continuous Delivery
Subject(s) Module 3. The Software Engineer and GSE
4.2.1. Introduction: Outsourcing from a decision-maker perspective
Subject(s) Module 4. Boardroom: C-level Decision Making
4.3.1 Introduction
Subject(s) Module 4. Boardroom: C-level Decision Making
5.2.1 Introduction: The impact of globalisation and offshoring in software companies
Subject(s) Module 5. GSE Research
5.3.1 Research on GSE: readings
Subject(s) Module 5. GSE Research
Globally distributed software engineering by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at distributed software engineering/.