1.6.1 Lecture summary: A practitioner’s view: Quito
Subject(s) 1. Spatial Justice
2.1.1 What you will learn
Subject(s) 2. Housing Provision and Management
2.1.2 Suggested Readings 2
Subject(s) 2. Housing Provision and Management
2.2.1 Lecture summary
Subject(s) 2. Housing Provision and Management
2.2.3 Want to know more about Housing in the Global South?
Subject(s) 2. Housing Provision and Management
2.3.1 Lecture summary: Affordable housing in China
Subject(s) 2. Housing Provision and Management
2.3.3 Want to know more about Affordable housing in China?
Subject(s) 2. Housing Provision and Management
2.4.1 Lecture summary: Public housing in Ghana
Subject(s) 2. Housing Provision and Management
2.4.3 Want to know more about Public housing in Ghana?
Subject(s) 2. Housing Provision and Management
2.5.1 Lecture summary: Social housing in Chile
Subject(s) 2. Housing Provision and Management
Rethink the City: New Approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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