Introduction to actor analysis

Course subject(s) Module 8. Bonus module: Problem demarcation and actor analysis (skills)

Introduction to actor analysis

In this course we paid a lot  of attention to the fact that an infra-system should be  considered as a sociotechnical complex system. The social complexity, arises from the many different actors involved in an infra-system. The relations and interactions between these actors make the behaviour of the systems very difficult to understand and even more difficult to predict.

In this unit we will show you how to conduct an Actor Analysis. This technique  provides a structured method for getting an overview of the actors involved in a system, with their interests and influences.  Your teacher will be Bert Enserink.  In this section he will  first explain why Actor Analysis is so important .  After that he will show the first three steps for performing an actor analysis. In the next section he will describe the remaining steps.

All these  steps are also described in chapter 4 of his book (co-author) titled ‘Policy Analysis of Multi-Actor Systems’.

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