2.7 Readings
Subject(s) Module 2: Fuzzy borders: expansion and interconnection of infrastructure systems
3.2 suggested reading
Subject(s) Module 3: Complexity theory
4.2 Multi-actor and Implications for decision making
Subject(s) Module 4: Governance and Regulation in complex situation
4.3 Readings
Subject(s) Module 4: Governance and Regulation in complex situation
4.4 Readings
Subject(s) Module 4: Governance and Regulation in complex situation
5.4 Discrete-event modelling & simulation
Subject(s) Module 5: Modelling Complexity
5.5 System Dynamics modelling & simulation
Subject(s) Module 5: Modelling Complexity
5.6 Agent-based modelling & simulation
Subject(s) Module 5: Modelling Complexity
6.2 Smart grids explained
Subject(s) Module 6: ICT & infrastructures
6.3 Smart Grid Reference Architecture
Subject(s) Module 6: ICT & infrastructures
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