System Validation – Exams
Course subject(s)
1. System Validation – An Introduction
2. Strong behavioral equivalences and Weak behavioral equivalences
3. Abstract Data Types
4. Sequential Processes: Theory
5. Coffee Machine Example
6. Parallel Processes: Theory
7. Modal mu-Calculus
8. Model Examination with Solutions
The exam material comprises Chapters 1 to 6 (inclusive) of the book Modelling and Analysis of Communicating Systems. The topics treated in the course and included in the final exam are: actions, weak and strong behavioral equivalences, algebraic data types, sequential and parallel processes, modal mu-calculus and modeling system behavior.
The type of exercises you may expect in the final written examination of IN4387 :
Chapter 2:
1. checking equality or inequality of given LTSs
2. dening LTSs that are equal (or inequal) for a given notion of behavioral equivalence.
Chapter 3:
1. formally specifying a data type given an informal description
2. proving inequality of data terms (using proof by contradiction by reducing it to true = false)
3. proving equality of data terms (using induction).
Chapter 4 and 5:
1. formally specifying a process given an informal description.
2. using algebraic reasoning to prove two processes equivalent (axioms will be appended to exam questions).
Chapter 6:
1. formally specifying a property given an informal description.
2. given an LTS specify whether a given property holds for the LTS.
3. given an LTS specify in which states a given property holds.
The following sections of this book is not treated and will not be examined: 5.4, 5.5, 6.2, 6.4 and 6.5.

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