01. Introduction & Momentum Balance

Course subject(s) 01. Introduction & Momentum Balance

The first lecture of the Fluid Flow, Heat & Mass Transfer course starts with an introduction into the course and a general outline of the topics covered in the course. It presents the reasons for studying the topic in relationship to petroleum engineering, groundwater flow, mining, and other applications in the geosciences. After the introduction Newtonian fluids are discussed in terms of viscosity and shear stress. Finally a method is presented to solve laminar, Newtonian fluid flow problems using a shell balance approach.

The pdf’s supplied are presented during the lecture.

These files are presented in the first lecture of the course. File 01 contains the outline of the opening lectures, along with the first half of the notes for this chapter. File 02 is on Newtonian fluids in a slit and shows the derivation of the momentum balance

Creative Commons License
Fluid Flow, Heat & Mass Transfer by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/fluid-flow-heat-mass-transfer/.
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