13. Heat-Transfer Coefficients in Tubes; Mass-Transfer Analogs to Unsteady Heat Conduction and Heat-Transfer Coefficients

Course subject(s) 13. Heat-Transfer Coefficients in Tubes; Mass-Transfer Analogs to Unsteady Heat Conduction and Heat-Transfer Coefficients

Photo from film "Turbulence," National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films, 1968.

This is the final lecture in the course. The material covered in the lecture starts with a discussion of what is allowed during the final exam. This discussion can be used as a reference for your own working of exams presented on the Exam page. The lecture material covered in this lecture starts with heat transfer coefficients in tubes. The second half of the lecture covers mass transfer.  Mass transfer is presented only as it can be solved using analogies to heat transfer.  Applications to unsteady diffusion and mass-transfer coefficients in tubes are discussed.

Creative Commons License
Fluid Flow, Heat & Mass Transfer by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/fluid-flow-heat-mass-transfer/.
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