Websites 2005-2006
Course subject(s)
Websites 2005-2006
On this website you will find information about anchors in general. Within the website there are three ways to list and view anchors: by anchor use (for catenary or taut leg mooring systems), anchor types (dead weight, drag, pile, suction) and in an alphabetic order.

Catenary 1
This website is about the catenary shape of chains or cables. There is a mathematical description of the catenary shape and you can define your own shape by a calculator.

Catenary 2
Learn about Catenary anchoring theory. The website encloses the theory of catenary anchoring methods including calculations on the chain curvature. This is considered for different loading and chain configurations.

Anchors in clay
This website gives a theoretical model that can determine the maximum holding capacity of a anchor in clay. In the model it is assumed that only conventional anchors are used.

Mooring lines
Overview of anchor lines construction and usage. The website focuses on giving an overview of mooring line solutions for MODUs (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) and FPSs (Floating Production Systems).

Caisson anchoring
This website is about a design of a mooring system of a concrete caisson. It gives a design model for mooring a floating offshore container terminal.

Moorings online
Main objective for this website is to get an overview of available computer software, for calculating tension in mooring lines and determining mooring configurations.

Overview of different aspects of anchoring. Information about chains, wire ropes, synthetic lines, connectors and anchors.

Anchors in sand
In this case study an analyses is made of the penetration behavior of an anchor in sand. The website describes the penetration behavior in different phases, such a way that it is clear and easy to understand.

Anchoring of FPSO’s
This website focuses on the challenges of mooring Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel. There is an overview of possible mooring systems designs for F(P)SO’s.

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