Mohr’s Circle: A Graphical Method for Determining Stress Transformations
Subject(s) 7. Stress Transformations
Moment-Curvature Relation
Subject(s) 8. Deflection of Beams
Review of Statics
Subject(s) 4. Bending Moment in Beams
Shear Flow in Thin-Walled Section
Subject(s) 5. Transverse Shear in Beams
Sign Convention for Stresses
Subject(s) 1. Stress, Strain and Hooke’s Law
St. Venant’s Principle
Subject(s) 2. Axial Loaded Members
Statically Indeterminate Beams
Subject(s) 8. Deflection of Beams
Statically Indeterminate Problems
Subject(s) 2. Axial Loaded Members
Stress-State Simplifications
Subject(s) 3. Torsion
Stress-strain Distribution in Circular Torsion Shafts
Subject(s) 3. Torsion

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