Superposition of Standard Solutions
Subject(s) 8. Deflection of Beams
The Concept of a Plane Stress Transformation
Subject(s) 7. Stress Transformations
The Flexure Formula
Subject(s) 4. Bending Moment in Beams
The Shear Formula
Subject(s) 5. Transverse Shear in Beams
The Torsion Formula
Subject(s) 3. Torsion
Torsion of Non-circular Shafts
Subject(s) 3. Torsion
Visualizing Transverse Shear in a Beam
Subject(s) 5. Transverse Shear in Beams
What is Strain?
Subject(s) 1. Stress, Strain and Hooke’s Law
What is Stress?
Subject(s) 1. Stress, Strain and Hooke’s Law

Aerospace Mechanics of Materials by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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