0. Getting started

Course subject(s) 0. Getting started

In this OCW-environment, you will find all the materials you need for module 21. Module 21 is a so-called blended module, which means that the course takes place partly online and partly in meetings. Before each meeting you have to watch or read material that is offered here in this course. During the meetings we will further discuss this and do and review assignments. This type of education is known as ‘the flipped classroom’. The following short animation explains the concept of the flipped classroom.

If the video ( by Psutlt CC BY) doesn’t show, click here to open the video in a new screen.

Preparations for meeting 1

  • Watch the short video on constructive alignment in chapter 1 (you’ll find the chapters in the menu on the left).
  • Think of actual examples of courses in which there is a mismatch somewhere in the triangle (these may be courses you took as a student, courses you teach yourself or courses that you otherwise know of). We’ll discuss these examples during the first meeting.

Preparations for meeting 2

  • Study the materials about learning objectives in chapter 2.
  • Critically analyse the learning objectives of one of your courses and rewrite them if necessary.
  • Post both your old and new learning objectives on the discussion board and bring a copy to meeting 2.

Preparation for meeting 3

  • Study the materials about active teaching and learning in chapter 3.
  • Fill in a constructive alignment table for one of your courses.
  • Post the table on the discussion board and bring a copy to meeting 3.

Assessment: proof of competence

You will round off module 21 by writing a proof of competence, which you’ll find below.
Your proof will be assessed using the feedback form below that contains the criteria for your proof of competence.

Examples and feedback forms

If you would like to get an idea of what we are looking for in the proof of competence, please find two excellent examples plus the feedback forms.

Reflection questions for course development

After having developed (and given) a course, it is wise to reflect on your own role as a course developer/teacher in order to be able to remember things that went well, things you want to change etc… This tool contains questions that you should ask yourself during and directly after having developed/given the course.

Creative Commons License
Development of Teaching and Active Learning by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/development-teaching-active-learning/.
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