2. Graphs
Course week(s)
Week 2
Course subject(s)
02. Graphs
Module 2. Graphs
In the lectures on graphs, the definition of a graph is given and some elementary graph algorithms (breadth-first search, depth-first search, testing bipartitness, (strong) connectivity, cycle detection, topological ordering) are discussed and analyzed.
Recorded lectures:
- “Graphs: Basic definitons and applications” please watch until 34:20
- “Graph traversal” please watch until 55:00
- “Testing Bipartiteness” please watch until 26:30
- “Connectivity in directed graphs” please watch until 42:50
- “DAGs and topological ordering” last slide gives information to TU Delft students
Slides with thanks to Kevin Wayne and Pearson Education (made available together with the book “Algorithm Design” by Kleinberg & Tardos)
Relevant exercises:
Algorithm Design: 3.1 – 3.7, 3.9 – 3.12

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Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/algoritmiek/.