Modelling complex infra-systems
Subject(s) Module 5: Modelling Complexity
Multi-actor and Implications for decision making
Subject(s) Module 4: Governance and Regulation in complex situation
Our Grand Challenge
Subject(s) Module 1: Complexity of Infrastructure
Part A: physical complexity of infra-systems
Subject(s) Module 1: Complexity of Infrastructure
Part B: Physical complexity of infra-systems
Subject(s) Module 1: Complexity of Infrastructure
Part C: Social complexity of infra-systems
Subject(s) Module 1: Complexity of Infrastructure
Part D: Social complexity of infra-systems
Subject(s) Module 1: Complexity of Infrastructure
Problem demarcation
Subject(s) Module 8. Bonus module: Problem demarcation and actor analysis (skills)
Problem demarcation part B
Subject(s) Module 8. Bonus module: Problem demarcation and actor analysis (skills)
References and bonus material
Subject(s) Module 7: Urbanization & Infrastructures
Next Generation Infrastructures by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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