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Lecture - 2.4.1 Creating a Pedestal (Part 1)
In this video, we will edit our hrwros.xacro file further, in order to add more objects to our factory floor.... -
Lecture - 2.4.2 Finishing the Pedestal (Part 2)
In this video we'll finish the pedestal that we created earlier. The current status of the pedestal is not yet... -
Lecture - 2.5.1 Using Existing Models
We've almost completed modifying the factory world. Now, we'll finally place the second robot in the world by reusing a... -
Lecture - 2.6.1 Conclusion
Welcome to the very last video of module 2! With this, we have come to the end of the module.... -
Lecture - 1.2.7 Publisher node with custom message type
In this lecture, you will receive a guide in making your own publisher node. This video will provide you with... -
Lecture - 1.5.1 ROS Launch files
Launching lots of ROS nodes often takes a lot of time, and a lot of terminals. Is there a better... -
Lecture - 5.4.1 Conclusion
Welcome to the conclusion of Week 5. We hope you enjoyed the content of this week. If you have are... -
Lecture - 5.3.4 Simple APIs of tf2_ros
In this lecture, we will learn about a few simple APIs of the tf2_ros package. Simple API commands: TF Buffer:... -
Lecture - 5.3.1 A basic introduction to tf2_ros
In this lecture, the basicsĀ of TF and the actual functionality of the tf2_ros package will be explained. tf2_ros package Implements... -
Lecture - 5.2.3 TF Reference Frames: Ruiz Visuali
We now know how TF frames get created, and where they are defined. Let's now see them in the context...