6. Network flow
Course week(s)
Week 6
Course subject(s)
06. Network flow
Module 6. Network flow
Many assignment (and related) problems can be translated to a network flow problem. The final module presents this network model and an efficient (augmenting path) algorithm for find maximum flows in such a network. Next, two extensions (circulations with supply and demands, lower bounds on the capacity) are presented, and a number of example problems and their translations to the network flow model show the wide range of applications of this single algorithm.
Recorded lectures:
- “Introduction to network flow” please watch until 1:18:40
- “Choosing good augmenting paths” please watch until 31:00
- “Bipartite matching” please watch until 1:18:10
- “Project selection” last slide gives information to TU Delft students
- “Project selection(continued)” please watch until 51:10
- “Disjoint paths” please watch until 29:30
- “Extensions to max flow – circulations” please watch until 1:16:10
- “Survey design” please watch until 1: 25:50
- “Image segmentation” last slide gives information to TU Delft students
Slides with thanks to Kevin Wayne and Pearson Education (made available together with the book “Algorithm Design” by Kleinberg & Tardos)
Relevant exercises:
Algorithm Design: 7.1 – 7.16, 7.21, 7.29, 7.50

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Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/algoritmiek/.